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Tuesday 9 June 2015

Reflections for final blog task FICM Jan 2015


Monday 8 June 2015


A. Comprehension of the movie

1. In 250 words or less, without giving away the conclusion and major spoilers, describe what the movie “Nightcrawler” is about and what are the themes permeating throughout the film. Assume that you are telling your friend who hasn’t seen or heard about the film.

Nightcrawler is an atmospheric character study that brings us to know Lou Bloom, played by Jake Gyllenhaal. Lou true sociopath, whose presence in the room makes his rounds of the skin. All ran someone like this and usually gives them a wide berth. We meet Lou at his most desperate, living on the fringes of society are looking for any opportunity. He's smart with encyclopedic memory, he recited back to those who will listen. Most of them are 101 business books and philosophy of management and on the basis of his mouth, it makes you shiver. Rene Russo plays Nina, and she is TV news producer, whose career is winding down, and is willing to cross any border to keep up. She takes the shine Lu. Although they are very different, they are in the same moral point of his life - Lou just started there and Nina slipped there for decades. Her colleagues are shocked by how low it is ready to slide into using footage captured Lu breaking all the rules of decorum and journalistic process. This symbiosis, where she thinks she is on top, but in fact, it is underestimated, and it sucks it dry. Bottom line is that Jake Gyllenhaal should be considered a real candidate for the Best Actor Academy Award -- it's as creepy as DeNiro in Taxi Driver.

2. Which part of the scene from the film left an impression on your group? What did you learn or discover from this film? Explain in 200 words or less.

We were impressed by that scene in which Jack selflessly rushed to the house where the family was killed, he was able to capture all of the evidence and the bandits themselves without any fear and in the future he find them and punish them. We were impressed by that scene in which Jack selflessly rushed to the house where the family was killed, he was able to capture all of the evidence and the bandits themselves without any fear and in the future he find them and punish them. Another scene that shocked us was the scene where the main character has seen the murder of his friend, he can say specifically led to it, but did nothing. The thing that I learned from this film is, there will never be true friendship if the main thing that connect it is money. Jacks hero was thief before his successful "career ", we remember one episode at the beginning of movie when he brought metal to metal garbage and asked him if he could work in this business, but the owner said I can't give u job, because you're burglar. The way he earned his money in our opinion is the worth way, so we learned from this movie to be who you are and try to earn honest money.

3. Elaborate on the lessons you’ve gained from watching this film, especially in relations to the field of journalism, news gathering and news reporting. Explain in 150 words or less.

Easy as it seems, it is actually quite difficult to gather information 

in the news field to make an appealing footage. The task of getting 

near a crime scene and recording can be tedious and in fact, very 

dangerous. Dangerous in the sense, the authorities handling the 

situation will rebel against the news reporters because they can out 

to be nuisance. Furthermore, in an unfortunate turn of events, the 

news reporter could be linked to the murder. In conclusion, 

everything should be done professionally with all the information 

in proper order.

B. Ethical Implications and reflections of the news media industry

1. Although the context of the article is on US news media and US audiences, but it is applicable to our local news media in general. Which position would you agree on more- the findings of the 2011 Pew Research poll or the perspective of Lisa Carol Fremont and Dan Gilroy? Elaborate why you choose that position in 300 words.
Before we elaborate the position we have chosen, let's take a look at the two perspectives provided first. According to the findings of the 2011 Pew Research poll and as stated in chronicle-independent, “Three quarters of the population said at the time they didn’t feel journalists got their facts straight, while two thirds said they believed news stories were often inaccurate and three quarters said they felt journalists covered up their mistakes rather than owned up to them”. Whereas Lisa Carol Fremont and Dan Gilroy argued that, “Nightcrawler” isn’t so much a reflection on the news industry as it is on its audience and its escalating taste for violence”, and “as much as the film indicts of television news, it also has the American public in its judging crosshairs”. As a group, we have decided to support Lisa Carol Fremont and Dan Gilroy in this matter because we deemed the poll to contain inaccurate results on people’s actual opinion. Society believes what they want to believe and regardless of how issues are portrayed to the public, they will not steer away from their own mental representations. For example, “Nightcrawler” is an excellent depiction of how the media industry has shifted from an objective, news-delivering platform to one revolving around profit or the race for attaining the highest ratings. We can assume the public agrees with this by knowing they have rated the movie 7.9/10 on IMDB. However, even though this might not be a perfect example, but the thoughts of the public is comprehensible. Which is, they do believe humans have a natural instinct to survive by any means necessary and when faced with danger, ethics and moral codes is a mere echo in their head. In reality, Louis Bloom is an accurate representation of human complexities.

2. If you were put in the position of a news producer and was offered exclusive content about a robbery and a shootout that left 3 police officers dead by an independent videographer such as Lou Bloom, in return for a fee, what would you have done? Illustrate your decision using the Potter Box approach.

To attain a video of 3 police officers getting shot dead by an independent videographer for a fee.
Loyalty is towards the audience. Even though unpleasant, but to understand society
Aesthetic- Bloody and deformity
Professional- straightforward and truth
Logical- Real life incident
Moral- Disrespect, mature and violence
Sociocultural- Not appealing to all
“In law a man is guilty when he violates the rights of others. In ethics he is guilty if he only thinks of doing so”
(Immanuel Kant)

With the Potter Box provided above, we accept we would buy the recording. However, we would be cautious about exposing the content to the public.

3. Do you think Lou is mentally ill or is he just a product of a violent society, fed by violent imagery from our media?

From our perspective, Lou Bloom is an intelligent sociopath that comprehends the actions required to achieve goals in life. By any means necessary, he attains exclusive content and goes to the lengths of altering crime scenes to create a better recording of the incident. With that being said, he is definitely not a product of violent societies as the society itself is in denial of the ongoing violence in real life. In conclusion, it is blatant that Louis Bloom is not ill, but a motivated and strong driven sociopath.

Writers & Researchers: Jeff Tan, Dina, Amanda, Iqram
Editor: Joey Hung

Thursday 21 May 2015


1. What is the message conveyed by the ad?

The advertisement done by Coca Cola is a joint venture with a dairy cooperation to promote their milk product. This ad intent to sell their milk, Fair Life, as it offers 50% more calcium, 30% more protein, and less sugar content to the consumers, compared to other dairy product brands. The product uses a patented cold-filtered system, which produce lactose-free milk. This makes it convenient for those who have lactose intolerant to drink as well, making it the ideal milk product. This ad also informs the public that Coca Cola also supports a healthy lifestyle not only just sugary drink.

2. What persuasive technique is being employed?

The persuasive technique that is employed to this ad is emotion appeals. This advertisement pictures a lady on a weight balance while wearing a dress with the colour of milk, in a slim figure. The slogan used for the ad is “Drink What She’s Wearing”, which informs consumer that they could be slim by drinking their milk product. This excites the audience that their milk is special compared to ordinary milk that could reduce weight without exercising but by just drinking Fair Life’s milk. Other slogans such as “Better Milk Looks Better On You” also make targeted consumers feel happy.

3. Who do you think is the targeted audience?

The targeted audience in my opinion will be mainly mothers or housewives. Since the ad pictures mostly women in a slim and fit figure, mothers will tend to want a figure of them in that way as well. With the large benefits of the milk product, mothers would want their family to have a healthy lifestyle by serving them better quality milk. Housewives would definitely want their children to grow up healthy and strong with the abundance of calcium and protein provided. However, the ad that pictures sexy women posing for it can also target men to buy the milk.

4. Is this an effective ad? Why or why not?

I do not think that this ad by Coca Cola is an effective ad because it touches on sexism issues. The sexy women pictured on the ad provoke gender-biased issues and the message conveyed is a little unclear. The ad might mean that this milk is only meant for women to drink as it gives them a slim and fit figure. This ad might also target only men to buy the product for the sake of their pleasure.  Some mothers might also say that the advertisement image is a too inappropriate for children to consume milk every day for breakfast.

5.  What would you change to make the ad better? Why?

If I were to change the ad, I would use a happy family pictured for the advertisement instead of just a sexy woman. By using this method, it would be more family friendly and it does not touch on gender issues as well. Maybe by using a celebrity spokesperson to be the ambassador for the product will also increase sales of the product, as consumers might want to drink what their idols might be drinking. Slogans that are more appropriate and clear stating that their product provides more benefits should be used instead to prevent any misinterpretation of consumers.

Amanda Seah Que Yi (0322064)

IKEA- Home for Hope


1. What is the message conveyed by the ad?

This advertisement by IKEA is created in the conjunction with a project called Home for hope which offer their potential customers to purchase pet furniture for their pets. To those who adores pets, they can adopt pets by scanning the unique code tags on each pet. This advertisement not only tell people IKEA provides house furniture, but also emphasizing on the definition of a complete or ideal home. This is also a perfect way to portray a lifestyle with the company of pets.

2. What persuasive technique is being employed?

IKEA chose animal to make this advertisement to be more relevant to its idea of adopting pets at home. The advertisement provides clear and direct information to their targeted audience although there is no facial expression of the dog being portrayed. The advertiser of this advertisement also emphasizes the word “adopt” to raise the attention of the people to adopt a pet by just scanning a code. The slogan used in this advertisement is Home for Hope, which tells people the importance of providing a shelter for animals and take good care of them.  

3. Who do you think is the target audience?

Animal lovers who shop in IKEA is their main targeted audience because this is one of the easiest way to encourage people to adopt pet. Animal also can be a good company to those who live alone or do not have kids. Their targeted audience can be people who do not want to spend too much money on buying a pet but instead they choose to adopt a pet in a cheaper way. This advertisement also tells people animals need a shelter as much as humans do.

4. Is this an effective ad? Why or why not?

Yes, this advertisement is effective because there are at least 8 puppies have been adopted in Singapore. There will be an increasing number of adopting animals if the advertisement is being advertised on televisions, social media platforms, and newspapers. Customers can shop in IKEA and adopt animals at the same time. Therefore, their find it more convenient to adopt pets. Furniture is an important item to make a house feels like a home, but a furry friend like a dog makes a home filled with love.

5. What would you change to make the ad better? Why?

I would portray a dog’s smiley face in the advertisement to tell the people an animal is happy with their new shelter and owner and also they are willing to be adopted. They want to be loved, to be adored. They need animal lovers who are willing to compromise their time to play with them. I would also engage a few furniture such as sofa in the advertisement to show the people an animal can adapt to different environment if they purchase the right product. It is also important to tell the audience that the advertisement is produced by IKEA.

Joey Hung Jia Yi (0322640)

Lacoste ‘The Big Leap’

1. What is the message conveyed by the ad?

To overcome a fear or an obstacle in life, an immense “plunge” must be taken from an individual. In the video we can see the man is unsure about kissing the women, but nevertheless he takes the risk by holding hands with her first and then slowly leaning in for a kiss. This emotion is magnificently portrayed visually by the man running and jumping off of a building. Meaning, once he jumps off, there is no turning back and he has made his final choice. He is about to risk it all to win the game of his life!


2. What persuasive technique is being employed?

As far as my knowledge takes me, the persuasive technique that is being employed in this advertisement is Emotional Appeals. Meaning, it makes the watcher relate to a certain emotion. This is an excellent technique because the consumer has an emotion they can relate to, compelling them to feel a certain way about the product or its message. People are afraid of what they do not understand and this advertisement was created in such a manner to have the contrary effect on people. Since they can somewhat comprehend the emotions the man is going through, they comprehend the message altogether.

3.Who do you think is the target audience?

I believe the target audience goes for all ages or, particularly, anyone that is able to understand what it is like to take a risk in life. Since, youngsters are not able to fathom the “leap” taken to achieve one’s goal, the target audience would have to be ages 18 and older. Not telling anyone younger is not able to know the feeling, but merely they have not gone through that certain experience. Likewise, older people might not be able to comprehend that certain emotion. In the end, it is all about knowing when to gain the experience.

4. Is this an effective ad? Why or why not?

Yes, this is an effective ad because it lets the consumers know that it is completely fine to take a risk in life. However, they should also keep in mind that the risk taken might not go according to how they visualized it. Unfortunately, every decision taken in life comes with a consequence, and if you are known to have a line of unlucky moments, expect the unlikable part of the decision. Mail Movement stated, “These urban and minimalist visuals are a simple metaphor of the “Lacoste spirit” that remains sport and casual facing the challenges”.

5.What would you change to make the ad better? Why?

Honestly, there is nothing much to change in this advertisement. Every aspect of emotion has been taken into consideration and beautifully portrayed by capturing it in various camer angles. However, one small alteration I would do is, show the downside of taking some risks. Meaning, the risk you take will not go according to plan and a big mishap can occur. Because in reality, none knows how other individuals really feel about you, but since this advertisement was created to convey a positive message, I will leave it as it is.

Iqram Azeez (0364614) 



1.   What is the message conveyed by the ad?

The advertisement that I have chosen for this blog task is an advertisement produced by UNICEF (MNT). At the first glance, I have no idea what is the advertisement trying to convey to their audience. Actually this ad is all about every 9 minutes, there will be a child died due to maternal and neonatal tetanus. Maternal and neonatal tetanus represents a very high proportion of the total tetanus disease burden due mainly to inadequate immunization services, limited or absent clean delivery services and improper post-partum cord care. The majority of mothers and newborns dying of tetanus live in Africa and Southern and East Asia, generally in areas where women are poor, have little access to health care, and have little information about safe delivery practices.

2.   What persuasive technique is being employed?

Based on this advertisement by the American Disability Association, there’s one main persuasive technique that are used which is emotional appeals. Emotional appeals are a technique where advertisements with these criteria will tap people’s emotions such as happiness, sad and excitement when they see them. For this ad, it is not trying to promote any product to the audiences. This ad attacks the audience’s mood. The aim for this ad is encourage people to donate some of their money to this issue. On the other hand, this ad is also telling people to appreciate what they have now.

3.   Who do you think is the target audience?
The target audiences for this ad are everyone. No matter you are wealthy people or poor ones, your one penny will really save a kid and mother from this disease. UNICEF’s tagline is “Unite for Children”.  For me, this tagline is to encourage people to donate more. Throughout this donation for the children and mothers, it means for this Eliminate (MNT) project is success that influences people with their message to them.

4.   Is this an effective ad? Why or why not?

In my point of view, it is an effective ad. Because this ad is encouraging and influencing people to donate or raise fund in order to save children and mothers. UNICEF also joins forces with Kiwanis to tackle iodine deficiency disorders, achieving one of the most significant public health successes of the 20th century. Now, together, they are eliminating MNT from the face of the Earth.  In doing so, the project will reach the poorest, most neglected mothers and babies with additional lifesaving health care. The end of this one disease means the beginning of better health for so many families.

5.    What would you change to make the ad better?

This advertisement is the best that it can be. But the suggestion that can be improved is provide more information for this ad. As example, give more details on how people can know more about this ad is trying to convince people. On the other hand, UNICEF can promote their ad to the social media such as hash tag and fund raising events. When the people are interested or attracted by this ad or the advertising, they will surely find out and learn what the ad all about is.

Jeff Tan Shin Sheen 0322897

Train de Nuit - CHANEL N°5
1. What is the message conveyed by the ad?
The main message of the brand CHANEL is a feminine. Analyzing commercials brand CHANEL since the distant '60s the brand was presented to audition by soft beautiful women who considered the ideal of feminine beauty and grace in that time, respectively all advertising of those years has been aimed at the fact that the brand CHANEL reveals the true femininity and grace. As we can see in the video with Audrey Tautou, man, who saw her first time in the train fell in love with her smell. He was looking for her all video  even when she was on a boat and making a photo of nature she captured his face looking straight at her and only by CHANEL  fragrance he finally found a women of his dreams in railway station.

2.  What persuasive technique is being employed?

The one thing in all that is in common, if you will by CHANEL, you will be lady for a million. Each year company spend about 500 million dollars. In each new promo in which always appearing new celebrities. That way calls “Celebrity spokesperson” and it makes us want this product, to look like them and too feel that you are special because you wear this perfume. Another thing that is shown in their advertisement is individuality, that you and again only you will be the best with it. Also I noticed emotional appeals like in this promotion when woman was noticed by a man by her perfume.

3. Who do you think is the targeted audience?

I think the emphasis on making the brand a higher class of people who are able to pay a higher class of people who are able to higher price for things, rather than middle class people. Respectively, in each promotional video CHANEL used expensive decoration, the most famous stars and all kind show that has the luxury of CHANEL.

4. Is this an effective ad? Why or why not?

In my opinion yes, this is very effective. First of all because it is CHANEL. Second is that, all of promo rollicks which are made by CHANEL makes us believe, that we are special, that all women who are using CHANEL perfume automatically became an object of passion and desire.

5. What would you change to make the ad better? Why?

To be honest, I do not think that there is so much things that should be changed. Each of CHANEL advertisement is a masterpiece with it is own history, story and ending. Each character in their promo plays important part which cannot be changed of replaced. I do not think it needs changes because each word, each gesture is definitely thought. 

Dina 0321139


Sunday 10 May 2015

Planning a PR Campaign

1) Information Gathering
  • Audiences have this mind-set that replying people is more important than their safety when they are driving.
  • They use their phones while driving to keep them updated on their friend’s photos and current location.
  • Audiences know that texting while driving is dangerous but do not take the awareness issue seriously.
  • Audiences think that they can multi-task when driving and believe that an accident will not occur to them.
  • A Ford car should provide safety measures and facility in the car
  • Ford car should have a sync app that helps fight distraction due to texting while driving.
  • A Ford car should not allow drivers to text while driving by having a certain device to detect whether a driver is texting while driving.
  • To impact audiences to stop texting while driving at the meantime promote how their cars benefit their safety.
  • Ford cars are designed with special emergency breaks when an accident is above to occur.
2 2) 
- Strategic Planning
  • Create an info-graph or bumper sticker to remind people not text while driving
A simple infographic to raise public awareness (Designed by us)

  •  Ford Malaysia should improve their cars by inserting auto-lock system for mobile phones. This only applies to the driver, which can block the impending messages so that the driver can focus on driving.
  •  Educate the drivers to take care of others’ lives by not texting while driving. But first, Ford Malaysia needs to educate their employees before injecting safety awareness to the customers. 
  • Media resources as it is the most extensive information field, I think it can be used in full. I'll run your own product in the first place I turn to advertising on the Internet. I'll try to run advertising for your product in the most visited social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, YouTube and My Space.

- Tactical planning

  • Gather as many signature as possible from those who can driver in a small town/ universities/ colleges
  • Invite well known people to talk about the importance of no drinking while driving


  • Associates with various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to raise the awareness
  • Create social sites and involve multiple competitions for the people to participate

3) Communication

Key Messages - 

  • This PR campaign creates awareness as it reinforces the basic rule of driving which is no texting while driving. Although phones are indispensable to the people nowadays, we still need to obey the rules on the road. It is a heavy responsibility for every car-users to follow the instructions as well as taking care of others’ lives.
  • To have a better and peaceful society
  • To have a comfortable and safe drive with Fords’ car 

    Social Media Platforms -
  • We would use YouTube to reach the public. According to reliable source, people spend time watching hundred million hours of videos on YouTube daily. Generally, people often go on YouTube to search for videos and movies, advertisements can be included at the beginning of every video to create awareness to the viewers as well as promote its own products. This is one of the good opportunities for Ford Malaysia to promote its products to their potential customers. 
  • Mini competition on Facebook and Instagram (taking pic with Ford’s car while having a impactful message to stop texting while driving and drunk driving, the grand prize will be the latest Ford car, consolation prizes discounts on buying Ford cars)
  • Safety pledge using LINE account. Create stickers on LINE to promote the campaign and to raise awareness on this campaign
  • StopTextingWhileDriving on twitter. Ask people to upload videos on their short sketch on this “Stop Texting While Driving” campaign

   Grand Plan 
  •  In order to carry out an effective promotion event, Ford Malaysia needs to be very specific in terms of their targeted audiences. They need to understand the age group, gender, income of their potential customers. Therefore, researchers must be done before hand. In addition, road shows on the awareness of drunk driving and texting when driving besides to promote their car. 

   4. Evaluation -
  • The results to prove effectiveness of our campaign can be proven by Texting and Driving Statistics. The lower the rate of car accidents due to texting while driving can reveal the positive result of a campaign. According to Edgar Snyder & Associates, there are three hundreds thousands of car accidents occur each year which caused by using cellphones while driving. 

Researchers: Tan Shin Sheen (Jeff), Joey Hung Jia Yi & Amanda Seah Que Yi
Writers: Tan Shin Sheen (Jeff), Joey Hung Jia Yi, Amanda Seah Que Yi, Diana Momani & Iqram Azeez
Editors: Iqram Azeez & Joey Hung Jia Yi



Monday 27 April 2015

View of Taylor’s Lakeside Campus shot at Old Town Kopitiam (Source:

            An old-fashioned looking Kopitiam in campus, is one of the most crowded areas with different people from different cultures caught our attention. The people seated there are having vapes in their hands while trying to socialise with their friends but soon, their attention is drawn towards their phones. A group of four sitting beside our table are playing Fun Run 2 against each other. At the same time, they were swearing when one of them lost the game.

            Yes. A bearded student was conversing with his friends about an Australian animal called Quokka. He found it interesting because of its smiling nature and wondered how it would look like if it were stoned. He was also interacting with his friends about how Barrack Obama criticizes Kenya West.

            Yes. A group of interior design course students are discussing about their plans for an event that is soon to be held on campus. They were sharing their ideas on how the floor plans should be arranged conveniently in order for the participants and facilitators to be comfortable. The event might be held in the Grand Hall or LT19. They might even burn the midnight oil and stay overnight at one of their friend’s backyard.

            The atmosphere at the open smoking area was not as humid as we thought it would be. Cigarettes smell could be scent at that area. The tables and chair are well organised as well. People come and go, waiters serve and clean, sounds of the forks and spoons can be heard clearly. Old Town Kopitiam is a great place for students and lecturers to relax and hang out with their friends.




Tan Shin Sheen, Jeff Joey Hung Jia Yi Amanda Seah Que Yi Iqram Azeez Diana Momani

Awesome Group Grandeur NasiLemak 4.25Yellow Batwomen
Layout by 16thday
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